Friday 16 February 2018

God’s Two-Edged Sword: The Cross of Christ | Todd Tomasella

Todd tomasella: The Cross is the sword of God’s violence against evil. The cross even looks like an ancient sword with a handle, a hilt, and a blade with two edges and a point.

For the word of God (the Word of the Cross; 1 Cor 1:17-18) is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any TWO-EDGED SWORD, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:12.

The cross is two-edged because it frees and saves believers as it destroys unbelievers who reject and rebel against it. It cuts both ways, both saving and destroying depending on how people respond to its truth. It is this Word of the Cross that judges all people by allowing them to judge themselves. God and His Son, Jesus, judge no one. John 5:22; 8:15; 12:47-48; 12:31; 16:11.

The sword of the cross is like the fiery furnace of Daniel 3. The furnace saved and promoted God’s three men but destroyed the mighty men who pushed the three down into the fire. Dan 3:20-25.

Christ died and thereby destroyed Satan’s power of death, Satan’s works and the fallen nature of the old man. Heb 2:14; 1 Cor 2:6-9; 1 John 3:8; and Rom 6:6, KJV. But that same cross was the salvation and redemption of all who believe into Christ. Satan’s sword and wrath against Jesus, the cross, became God’s sword and wrath against Satan. It cut two ways: AGAINST Satan and His people and FOR God and His people said by Todd tomasella.

In Judges 7, the sword of the enemy against Gideon’s army became God’s sword against the enemy. Judges 7:18-22.

Goliath’s sword cut for God’s man, David, and against Goliath. David cut Goliath’s head off using Goliath’s sword to do it. 1 Sam 17:41-54 @v51.
Saul’s sword was two-edged, too. Saul’s own sword killed Saul (suicide) but elevated Saul’s enemy, David, to the throne of Israel.

The sword of Satan, the cross, destroyed Satan and elevated Christ to glory. Heb 2:14.

The sword of the cross destroys Satan’s best inside agent, the flesh, and elevates our spirit man to the throne of glory with Jesus, seated with Christ in heavenly places. Eph 2:6; Gal 5:24.

How will this two-edged cross cut in you: against you or for you? Every moment of every day you are deciding whether to take up the sword of the cross, die on it and be saved by it OR take it up against someone else and be destroyed by it. Luke 9:23-25.

See also Isaiah 8:13-15 for another example of this two-edged sword of the cross where, in the same event, comfort is given to those who trust God and simultaneous destruction to those who trust their idols.

He who takes up the sword shall die by his own sword! Matt 26:52.
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth but a sword (the two-edged cross). Matt 10:34.

God’s sword is not a sword He used in order to kill people. It is a sword to save people that He died on. By dying he destroyed His enemy, Satan and the devil’s power of death was put to the sword. Heb 2:14.

This metaphorical sword of God is last seen in Rev 19:15. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress (also symbolic of the Christ on the cross) of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. The sword coming out of Christ’s mouth is the Word of the Cross that will destroy evil in the end time as it has throughout the New Testament.

The cross is God’s only sword. It is also His winepress and wrath against evil. God will never take up a literal sword against anyone. Otherwise, He would have to die by His own sword, by His own rule stated in Matt 26:52.

There are two edges to the use of the word “sword” in the Bible, Satan’s literal sword, the cross, and God’s metaphorical sword, the cross. Both swords are found in one and the same sword, the same cross, the two-edged cross of Christ.

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cheribims, a flaming sword (symbol for the cross) which turned every way (two-edged), to keep the way of the tree of life. The two-edged sword both opens and closes the way to life, the eternal life of Christ.

Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? Prudent, and he shall know them? For the ways of the Lord (ways of the cross) are right, and the JUST (the just shall live by faithing it thru the Cross experiences) shall walk in them (the ways of the cross): but the TRANSGRESSORS (rejectors of Christ and His cross) shall fall therein. Hos 14:9. Thus, the two-edged sword of the cross both saves and destroys! And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And He said unto them, it is enough. Luke 22:38.

The two swords are found in the one cross: one a literal sword of Satan, with which to kill and thereby conquer; the other a spiritual sword of Christ, on which to die and thereby conquer.

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