Sunday 5 March 2017

Jesus is All I Need!

I don’t need or want your church “service” …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need or desire the latest fad book selling by the millions …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need or want to hear the “Best Life Now” lie …
I need Jesus!
I don’t want or desire your religiosity …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need to “join your church” …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need or want to listen to your favorite preacher …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need or want your coping and coddling lies …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need or desire to be in fellowship with the phony who refuse to truly repent …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need spiritual pablum or cotton candy that feeds my flesh …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need or want to hear yet another cross-less message that isn’t calling me to die to self …
I need Jesus!
I don’t need some lying preacher who refuses to teach the cross Christ taught …
I need Jesus!
I could care less about the latest spiritual band aid, I need the root of my issues fixed and so therefore …
I need Jesus!
“He must increase but I must decrease.” John 3:30
Did you hear the cross when you listened to a supposedly biblical message? If not, you are being misled and were listening to a wolf in sheep’s clothing …..
The cross-less message is why you are where you are now. Continuing to feed on and fund the wolves who are the very “enemies of the cross of Christ” is rebellion (Philippians 3:18-19; 2 John 7-11). It’s time to hearken to the Master – His teachings have not changed one bit. It’s time for you to die and let Him reign! The cross requires a deliberate worship-filled obedience.
Learning Christ!
Sign up for free email devotional HERE… The Moments with My Master email devotional is sent out 1-2 times weekly for the edification of the body of Christ.
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