Wednesday 12 October 2016

Steps to Restoring a Brother

BROTHERS in Christ …. If you have an issue with another brother, below are the biblical steps to correction. … Please open your Bible to read and learn passages well in order to incorporate them into your daily body life….

1. Go directly to him in private Matthew 18:15-17. Do not start a public campaign against him directly or indirectly. Now, if he is publicly teaching a heresy, he should be addressed either or both publicly and privately. If he refuses to repent after the first or second admonition, “reject” him. Read Titus 3:10-11 closely and obey God in this His instruction.

2. When you are led by the Holy Spirit to help a brother grow or correct something in his life (doctrine or practice), go meekly, realizing that you also are frail, imperfect, and subject to temptation. Get very familiar with Galatians 6:1-2. Verse 2 tells us we are going to bear the burden of a brother and not with the goal of ostracizing or condemning him. Memorize Ephesians 4:3, 32.
3. God with the prayer-filled goal to restore and no condemn. Galatians 6:1-2

4. Remain humble and teachable and understand beforehand that something you don’t understand about the brother you are approaching, or something he is teaching, may be due to your own need to learn something more of the revelation of Christ through the full counsel of His Word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

5. Oh, if you are not a mature, seasoned believer who is amply supplied with the knowledge of God’s Word, the LORD is not sending you to correct anyone, be sure of that because to do so would be to contradict His own Word (Galatians 6:1).

6. Do not attempt to correct a brother based on a non-essential. Read and become intimately familiar with what the Holy Spirit is communicating to us about this in Romans 14.

7. If you don’t have a life of prayer and deep study of God’s Word daily, you are not a mature Christian and unfit to correct anyone else since you have not even corrected your own life (Matthew 7:1-5; Galatians 6:1-2).

8. If the brother is simply walking “disorderly” (out of step with what is right but not a soul-damning sin), just have no company with him – avoid him – so he will become convicted and ashamed. Admonish him. Pray for him from a sincere heart that knows its own great, desperate, present, and utter need for the grace of God. Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15 closely.

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9. Ultimately, it’s the divine Person of the Holy Spirit that quickens each of our hearts to change and leads us into all truth which always brings the magnification of Jesus Christ and not mere man. John 14:26; 16:13-14

10. Spend time praying for that brother you sense an impression to approach. Bathe the whole thing in prayer and ask the LORD to convict and stop you if you are being led of self. Admit aloud to the LORD that no one needs Jesus more than you! Announce aloud to Him that “the root of the matter” is in you (Job 19:28). 

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